2008 Fee Information:
"Special Bring-a-Friend Rate: When 2 people register together, and pay full fees at the time of
registration, SAVE $75 off the total cost. Simply deduct $37.50 from each registration."
We have arranged comfortable LODGING in Flagler College Cedar House, a newly-built, fully air-conditioned residential
dorm house in the heart of St. Augustine, only 1 block from the conference center and a short walk to Matanzas Bay, great
restaurants, and all the historic sights and sounds. Microwave and fridge will be available in the relaxation areas. Snacks
and treats (did someone say "dark chocolate"??) will naturally be part of the Southern hospitality!
Only 35 rooms will be available in the packages below, so make plans soon. If you prefer more luxurious lodging,
a B&B, or an oceanview hotel (ranging from $70 - $350 per night--according to taste!), please check below & flyers
will be sent.
PLAN "A", SINGLE: Private room for 2 nights in Flagler College Cedar House, Friday night celebration
dinner, Sat. breakfast, all speakers, music workshops, receptions, snacks, and materials, incl. taxes ....... $437
PLAN "A", DOUBLE: 2 people in Double room (twin beds) in Flagler College Cedar House, Friday night celebration
dinner, Sat. breakfast, all speakers, music workshops, receptions, snacks, and materials, incl. taxes.....$389 each person
PLAN "B", COMMUTER WITH FRIDAY CELEBRATION DINNER: Fri. night meal only, plus all performances, speakers,
music workshops, receptions, snacks, and materials, incl. taxes.....$325
PLAN "C", COMMUTER ONLY: All speakers, music workshops, receptions, snacks, and materials, incl. taxes, no
PLAN "D", SATURDAY ONLY COMMUTER: Saturday speakers and music workshops only, snacks, and materials, incl.
taxes, no meals/lodging...$175